Calling out all Pinoy Bloggers, Let’s unified in one prayer… A prayer for a new hope and a new beginning for us filipino. For a new leadership with less corruption I pray …
Our Almighty Father, we unified as one Filipino, praising your name to seek for your guidance and blessing. Hoping that on the coming 2010 Presidential Election you will bless our country with a shepherd and a leader that will give hope to all Filipino. May the 2010 Election be successful, peaceful and truthful for our country the Philippines. We ask this to our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I, Jhong Medina – of Qlick Blogs support the cause of the Blog Prayer Brigade for the election of the Future President of the Republic of the Philippines and I do solemnly promise to recite the prayer, which I wrote, in my own convenient time and regularly as possible until the 2010 Presidential Election commences. Let it be written, let it be done.
Now, I’m tagging Mommy Yelvz, Ambo, Nanay Belen, Mommy Ruby, Proud Mommy, Melody, Adie, and Bluepanjeet.