Hi Everyone! I would like to introduce our guest writer for today… Ashley Lipman, to talk about Crowdfunding to get you out of your 9-to-5 job and enhance your career.
“Ashley is an award-winning writer who discovered her passion in providing creative solutions for building brands online. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches.”
Use Crowdfunding To Enhance Your Career
When it’s time to take flight, having wings isn’t going to be enough to get your airplane up in the air and off the ground. The plane needs to have the right amount of fuel to get a powerful enough boost to soar high through the sky.
But think about the price of airplane fuel.
Right now, regional costs are in the neighborhood of $4.52 to $6.79 per gallon.
(In the Philippines, that’s a minimum of Php 63.00++/Liter)
Driving a car doesn’t seem so expensive now, does it?
Let’s take this analogy a step further.
We’ll equate driving a car to working your typical 9-to-5 job. And we’ll also equate flying an airplane to working as a solo entrepreneur or owning a business startup.
The differences between flying a plane and owning a car come down to different abilities. Let’s explore them further now.