Last November 3, 2021, Scopely released a new version of Marvel Strike Force Version 5.8.x. and when we updated the game, we may encounter the “Update Available” appearing several times. To resolve this new release not loading problem you may need to go to your App Store (for apple) or Play Store (for Android) and uninstall the game for a while. Don’t worry about your progress, as long as it’s linked to Facebook and or Apple ID/Google Play there is no harm in deleting and reinstalling had the same issue on my Android/IPad last week deleted app restarted iPad and reinstalled with no problems.
Marvel Strike Force
Marvel Strike Force – Deadpool is in the House!
May 17, 2018, Deadpool did not only invaded our local cinemas, but also invaded MSF too! Yup, the Marvel Strike Force – Deadpool released can be played under the Marvel Strike Force 1.2 version. This wisecracking mercenary character can be use as a brawler and can bypass taunt according to its latest release notes. So download and update the apps to play DEADPOOL!
What’s new with Marvel Strike Force Release 1.1?
Aside it features the MAD TITAN – THANOS, Marvel Strike Force Release 1.1 has made a lot of exciting updates. We all know Marvel’s Studio Avengers: Infinity Wars is coming on the big screen. It is very timely for the developers, FoxNext Games to release a new updates and to feature THANOS in the Marvel Strike Force game. I know you’re not excited about the technicalities, but I’m listing below 3 noticeable MSF r1.1 updates FoxNext made to improve the game and your experience.
My 3 Noticeable Improvements on Marvel Strike Force Release 1.1
1. Of course, The Mad Titan – THANOS is in the house! The timing was right for the MSF people to launch Thanos‘ character in the game. We all know Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity Wars is just few days away and everyone is excited about the movie. Joining the van wagon, is a great idea to get gamers more excited playing the game.